Saturday, 7 January 2012

Now I know how a vegetarian feels like at a BBQ

On Tuesday evening we were invited to a barbeque at my mates Gregs place in the Adelaide Hills. The bbq plate was chock full of high quality lamb chops, snags and fresh baby octopus. I was armed with bag of fresh potatoes, roma tomatoes and a couple of corn cobs. I also had a left-over yellow capsicum stuffed with spicy rice and chilli that I had made the previous day.

Surprisingly I didn’t feel a strong urge to eat the meat, but the bbq’ed octopus looked and smelled sensational.
After the plate was thoroughly scraped, and flooded with good South Australian Extra Virgin olive oil, the potatoes were turned into yummy fried greasy chips. The romas were lightly bbq’ed just enough to make them soft but not mushy. The stuffed capsicum tasted better than the day before. The tomatoes and capsicum delight were then finished with a drizzle of grassy robust Frantoio EVOO. Not that it needed more fat - but I use EVOO for flavour.

However, it was clear that vegetarians (even a transient one like myself) get subjugated to meat eaters in these circumstances. By the time I had prepared my meal, the others had finished eating. I'm not complaining as I'm looking forward to getting my own back to a unsuspecting real vegetarian some time in the very near future.

But a couple of Bourogne’s later and all was forgotten. A great finish to a top warm South Australian arvo.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Richard, that plates seems like you ate the left overs and left the maise and potatoes behind. Though, I have hear you say that the kids ate your potatoes.

    Thank god for EVOO, beer and wine eh!
