Despite the incredibly biased contender profiles by @JenkoBianco, Man vs Carrot is not a competition. It’s about two close and proudly carnivorous friends sharing knowledge and experience about organic vege gardening to get them through a week of surviving only off their vege patches.
In reality we’ve shared lots of stuff over the years –a bunch of usually useless observations, self seeded lettuces and weeds (affectionally known as ‘volunteers’) and mouldy left over peletitised organic fertilisers (to name a few). Even Paul's hastily constructed and drafty backyard pizza oven is even built with the old fireplace bricks of Richard and Simone’s 1905 house. Most importantly, we’ve spent hundreds of hours pissing in each others ears about how our gardens are going (at approximately 1 lager and 2-3 whinges about our respective wives per hour), and a bunch of laughs about nothing in particular.
Well written, but this whinging about the wives has got to stop! K